natural antibiotics which fight bacteria


natural antibiotics which fight bacteria


Researchers recommend it as an effective and safe natural antibiotic, because it has the ability to fight a wide strains of bacteria, combat nausea andseasickness ,sugar levels and lower blood .

Oregano, a powerful essential oil:

Antiviral ,anti-infectious, and immunostimulant, the organo's essential oil is especially renowned for its major and broad-spectrum antibacterial action, capable of acting on many germs.
Very effective against any nosomcomial ,urinary, gynecological,respiratory tract,  and digestive .
 The oregano's essential oil compact also acts against skin diseases such as herpes, acne, or shingles  . But,it should be emphasized that it should never be used pure on the skin because it is very irritating.
Oregano Essential Oil: Oral Route, Royal Route It is generally recommended to take orally, and pay attention to the dosage and course of treatment. It is ordered in pharmacies in the form of capsules or preparations. In any case, consult your pharmacist. Oregano essential oil, precautions for use Although known for its extreme potency, oregano essential oil is not without toxicity, and its use by children under 12, pregnant women, and nursing mothers is strongly discouraged.

Turmeric: a powerful anti-inflammatory

Rich in curcumin, an antioxidant and anti-inflammatory compound, turmeric is recommended for treating stomach problems and indigestion. It is also an effective pain reliever for rheumatic or painful periods. It also helps reduce bad cholesterol levels in the blood and accelerates the healing of skin damage.  
How is turmeric consumed? 
The easiest way to do this is to sprinkle it on your plate and add black pepper to boost its potency. Turmeric is also available in supplement form. Note that turmeric is also available in essential oil form, but only for medical advice. 
 Turmeric and Contraindications 
Turmeric is contraindicated in people with gallstones or liver disease and in people receiving anticoagulant therapy.


Ginger is recommended to reduce vomiting, relieve nausea and aid digestion. It also strengthens the immune system and fights infections.  

Eating Ginger for Your Health 

 As a precaution, you can eat ground or powdered ginger and sprinkle it into culinary preparations up to 4 grams per day. To treat nausea, it can be taken in the form of an essential oil, 1 to 2 drops 3 times a day mixed with honey.

Ginger and pregnancy 
 Although natural, many botanicals, even herbal teas, are not recommended during pregnancy. Therefore, it is always recommended that you seek medical advice or consult your pharmacist. Ginger, on the other hand, is one of the generally recommended harmless plants in early pregnancy. The World Health Organization (WHO) has recognized the value of ginger in preventing morning sickness and vomiting.

Echinacea Flower:

Native Americans have used it for years to treat infections, and the Journal of Biomedicine and Biotechnology reports that this flower can kill a variety of bacteria, such as sore throats.


Are used to this day in dental care because it treat multiple types of anaerobic bacteria.


Scientists agree with that thyme or oregano strengthens the immune system and acts as an antioxidant. in line with studies, scientists confirm that the effectiveness of thyme increases its 

resistance to bacteria as an antibiotic when converted to oil.


Not everything that is natural is necessarily safe and effective. There are some instructions to take in consideration to use herbal antibiotics, including:

"Research which indicates that the consumption of concentrated garlic may decrease the effectiveness of HIV.medications and  increases the risk of bleeding  .

using colloidal silver supplements to deal with numerous illnesses, including plague and HIV, can interfere with the effectiveness of antibiotics used to treat the thyroid. 

docs usually prescribe antibiotics to  speed recuperation from illness  , prevent the spread of infectious sicknesses,and prevent the development of complications


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